Our Story

Here at Buffalo, we have been crafting high-end custom wood products for the Greater Houston area since 2017. From the very beginning, our shop has continuously served as a playground for experimentation. We are always walking into the unknown and pushing ourselves out of our comfort zone. We can't help it; it's just a part of who we are. This curious and experimental mindset led us to the exciting path we're currently on.

We started designing cornhole boards just as a fun side project. Our goal was simple: we wanted to take the traditional cornhole set, rebuild it from the ground up, and bring it into the 21st century. We knew there was a tremendous potential to take the original design to a whole new level; it was just a matter of thinking outside the box. With that in mind, we set out to create a modern design with an emphasis on style, quality, and portability.    

The incredible feedback and enthusiasm that we received when we revealed our prototypes took our company by storm. We were overwhelmed with dozens of inquiries and compliments from our online community. Some of the best cornhole builders in the business gave us generous remarks and praised our boards. That's when it became evidently clear that we were doing something special. What began just as a fun side project had now turned into a burning passion for creating the game's top cornhole boards.

And this burning passion is what drives our earnest commitment to innovate and create products of the highest quality for the cornhole community. Whether it's on the back patio or out on a league tournament, our fundamental mission is to bring the cornhole playing experience to a level like never before. This is where the game begins...

It's Your Bag - You're in Control

  • Find the perfect bag

  • Pick your favorite design

  • Choose your resin

  • Add the ACO stamp or

  • Customize with your NAME!